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Start Strong with Us

At Rainbow Heart Early Learning, we are incredibly proud of our renowned Transition to School program. It gives us immense pleasure to announce that the NSW Government is providing funding to families through the ‘Start Strong’ initiative.

What is it?

The NSW Government’s ‘Start Strong’ funding helps families with three and four-year-old children in a childcare setting to cover the cost of Preschool. Through this, families could save up to $2,174 annually for eligible four-year-olds and up to $515 for eligible three-year-olds. This is an added benefit along with the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) many families already receive (but you don’t have to have CCS to claim the fee relief).

Who can get it?

The following families are eligible:

  • Four-Year-Olds: Children who will turn four(4) by 31 July 2025 and are currently enrolled in a Young Academics program.
  • Three-Year-Olds: Children who will turn three(3) by 31 July 2025 and are presently enrolled in Young Academics.”

How does it function?

This funding offers a weekly reduction in your gap fees for over 52 weeks of the year:

  • Four-Year-Olds on or before 31 July 2025: Receive up to $41.80 per week.
  • Three-Year-Olds on or before 31 July 2025: Receive up to $9.90 per week.

Families must complete this declaration form and designate one eligible service to receive the fee reduction. This reduction will be reflected in subsequent statements.

More information: Start Strong for families

Get the best start at Rainbow Hut Early Learning

Our leading preschool program, combined with the Start Strong New South Wales Government funding and Child Care Subsidy, make it possible for more families to avail high-quality care and education for their 3-5-year-old children.

Find a centre near you and give your child the perfect start in their educational journey.

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